This help content is targeted at administrator-level users.
Understanding the user account structure
User accounts are independent of any single organisation, since a user could potentially be a member of multiple organisations. Therefore, as an administrator, you are merely inviting that user to gain access to your instance of Maintainly, until such time as you revoke that access.
As soon as a user accepts their first invitation into Maintainly, that user is in control of their own user account. So, things like modifying their email address (nb. an administrator can do this up until the point that the user accepts the invite), their password, their name and enabling and disabling notifications. Users can perform such modifications from the user Settings menu, located via the avatar dropdown menu at the top right of screen.
NOTE: Maintainly is licensed strictly on a one-person per one-account basis. Sharing of passwords is not only a security risk (ie. potentially losing track of who is modifying data), but it is also a violation of the Maintainly End User License Agreement.
Permission Levels
Permission levels will largely define what a user can see, access and the functions that they can perform.
There are four permission levels, each with varying access levels to choose from:
Administrator - Access all areas;
Manager - Access most areas, but excluding org settings;
Technician - Restricted access to tasks, materials & time sheets;
Contractor - No access, but user time can be added (by another user) to Tasks, but not to Timesheets.
TIP: We use best practices to define these permissions levels and the accessibility for each level. Therefore, they fit 99% of scenarios. If the rare occurrence of requiring some adjustments arises, contact us via chat to discuss possible micro-changes on an organisational basis.
Add (invite) users
When adding users, you are actually inviting a user to join your organsaiton.
Only Administrator users can invite other users.
To invite a new user:
Navigate to Settings > Users;
Click Invite people;
Nominate the permission level you are allocating to the user/s that you're about to invite;
Nominate the sites that the user/s will be able to access;
Nominate a valid (ie. working) email address for the user to be invited;
Click Invite
The user/s will be sent an email with instructions on how to accept the invitation to your organisation and establish their password.
Modify user access rights
There are several methods of restricting user access, or fully removing access:
To modify the permission level of a user:
Navigate to Settings > Users
Filter for and then click the name of the user;
Modify the Permission Level in the dropdown;
Click Confirm.
To keep the user account, but remove all login access rights:
Navigate to Settings > Users
Filter for and then click the name of the user to be modified;
Change the user's permission level to Contractor (the contractor permission level does not have access rights);
Click Save.
To restrict user access to particular sites:
Navigate to Settings > Users
Filter for and then click the name of the user to be modified;
Click the Sites tab;
Filter for and then check the box next to the site to which access is to be removed;
Click Remove;
Click Confirm.
To archive a user:
Navigate to Settings > Users
Filter for and then click the name of the user to be modified;
Click Archive;
TIP: Data from archived users will be fully maintained and available as normal, but the user will no longer have access, nor be selectable throughout Maintainly.
TIP: Users cannot be deleted, only archived.
Re-instate a user
Users cannot be invited in more than once. If their account has been archived, then they must be un-archived in order to reinstate them.
If the user's email address has changed since the last time that they had access, ideally their original account would be un-archived, followed by the user themselves modifying their
If the user no longer has access to the original (eg. in order to perform a password reset), contact us via chat to have the email updated on their original account.
To un-archive a previous user:
Navigate to Settings > Users
Using the advanced filter (the icon to the right of the filter field), change the status filter to Archived;
Filter for and then click the name of the user;
Click Un-archive;
Click Confirm.
Reset a User Password
Due to encryption protocols, an existing user password cannot be retrieved by the user, a system Administrator, or by Maintainly staff.
To reset a password:
Navigate to the login page;
Click I forgot your password;
Enter the registered email address;
An email will be sent to the user. Follow the prompts to create a new password.
TIP: If the reset password email does not arrive, contact your organisation's administrator to ensure that your registered email address is correct.
Change a name or email address
As soon as a user accepts their first invitation into Maintainly, that user is in control of their account. So, things like modifying their email address (nb. an administrator can do this up until the point that the user accepts the invite), their password, their name and enabling and disabling notifications. Users can perform such modifications from the user Settings menu, located via the avatar dropdown menu at the top right of the screen.
To modify your email address (individual user only):
Navigate to the avatar dropdown menu located at the top right of the screen;
Click Settings;
Modify the email address;
Click Save;
Check your email account and then follow the prompts.
To modify a user's email address (administrator's only):
NOTE: This is only possible if the user is yet to accept the invitation.
Navigate to Settings > Users
Using the advanced filter (the icon to the right of the filter field), change the status filter to Pending (only email addresses of pending users can be modified by an administrator);
Filter for and then click the name of the user;
Modify the email address;
Click Save.