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Change an email address
Change an email address

Changes to existing email addresses by administrators and by individual users.

Steven Quayle avatar
Written by Steven Quayle
Updated over 2 years ago

As soon as a user accepts their first invitation into Maintainly, that user is in control of their account. This includes things like modifying their email address (nb. an administrator can do this up until the point that the user accepts the invite), their password, their name and enabling and disabling notifications.

Users can perform such modifications from the user Settings menu, located via the avatar dropdown menu at the top right of the screen.

To modify your email address (individual user only):

  1. Navigate to the avatar dropdown menu located at the top right of the screen;

  2. Click Settings;

  3. Modify the email address;

  4. Click Save;

  5. Check your email account and then follow the prompts.

To modify a user's email address (administrator's only):

  1. Navigate to System > Users

  2. Using the advanced filter (the icon to the right of the filter field), change the status filter to Pending (only email addresses of pending users can be modified by an administrator);

  3. Filter for and then click the name of the user;

  4. Modify the email address;

  5. Click Save;

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