Some entities may elect to implement an approval layer that sits above task closure so that users at a management level can identify tasks that have been suitably reviewed following their completion.
Note: Task approval is an optional client setting and therefore may not be visible to all users. Contact us to enable this option.
By default, non-technician users have the ability to approve tasks. Some user levels will also have permission to un-approve tasks. Using Maintainly’s Quick Approval eliminates the need to enter each task in order to approve it as well as to add a billing code.
To approve a task:
Navigate to Tasks;
Filter for and then click on the task that is to be approved;
Click the More tab;
Check the box next to Approved;
Click Save.
To approve many tasks:
Navigate to Tasks > Quick Approvals in the left side menu;
Select a Site from the dropdown;
Click Show Details to review the task data. If necessary, open the task in a new browser tab to review the tasks activity or other data;
Nominate the applicable Billing Code from the dropdown;
Click Approve; the current task will slide closed;
Repeat this process for the remaining tasks that are awaiting approval.